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Western Uganda FBO Network is an interfaith umbrella network for FBOs in western Uganda, we are duly constituted by (Faith Based Organizations) FBOs working in Western Uganda. Our role is to complement Government programs in order to improve the well-being of people in Uganda and elsewhere in Africa. From 2013 to date Western Uganda FBO Network has made significant improvements in priority areas: Organizational strategic management and quality, Organizational business process, Faith based fundamental and values of different faith backgrounds, internal and external communications, information technology, Monitoring, evaluation, learning and advocacy, fiscal management and stewardship, and workforce development. Our past and current work in these areas, and additionally focus on new opportunities to advance our mission and vision over the next five years.  As one of the largest faith-based organizations network in Western Uganda, we are responsible for the Human rights protection, health, environment and safety of our residents in Western Uganda.

Our Programs

Human Rights & Freedoms, Governance, Democracy & Accountability

Health, Education, Sports & Culture

Community Based Services

Climate Change, Environment and Natural resources

Uganda’s natural resource base is one of the richest and most diverse in Africa, resulting in the country’s economy relying heavily on goods and services so provided. For example, estimates show that gross returns to the national economy from bio-diversity alone can be as high as US$ 63.9 billion per year. As such environmental resources, if used properly, can contribute significantly to Uganda’s national economic development. As part of efforts to ensure effective management of Uganda’s environment and natural resources, several policies and institutions have been put in place. 

Our Impact

The network has undertaken number of innovations aimed at improving family health and well-being at sub national and other sub district levels availing ability and effectiveness to undertake effective advocacy to influence the policies, programs and practices of Institutions and other Development partners for the benefit of the poor and marginalized, using Faith to create awareness, debate, develop consensus and to systematically follow up on key issues of interest to our communities; Western Uganda FBO Network was formed to enhance networking, effectiveness and unity to cooperate on social and economic issues. Western Uganda FBO Network: Interfaith PHED (Population, Health Environment & Development) Model Journal. SRHR & CLIMATE JUSTICE

Adolescents champions oriented
Policies developed
0 +
Trees planted by churches and mosques
Faith and cultural leaders trained
0 +


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