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Accelerated Family Planning and Climate Justice

Status: Completed (2022)

Funded by: PAI, PWV

With support from PWV through our fiscal sponsorship grant received from PAI. we implemented the activities100% and results obtained among many others includes; commitments evidenced by allocation of 70,000,000/= Uganda shillings for direct FP activities in financial year 2022, Kyenjojo District re-educated the VHTs on FP and enhanced their capacities to offer FP short term methods to compliment services provided at Kyenjojo Hospital, District staff is able to quantify and forecast FP commodities, Efforts have been taken by the DHO in ensuring timely submission of requisitions to NMS and development partners.

This ensured  facilities were stocked more efficiently to meet the needs of the district clients, Health facilities, Private for profit and not for profit/faith based health facilities have been trained and also DHTs increased  their capacities on FP reporting mechanisms, controlled FP annual  work-plan on FP activities enhanced and the district is holding  quarterly review meetings with the different stakeholders in the district  and the district capacity to commit resources efficiently and timely monitoring and supervision of family planning activities is  enhanced, Lastly in addition to the district interfaith hub, the district has  the Family planning political caucus that is active and ensuring FP discussions take place in the district council which has led to the commitment to enhance girl child protection against early marriages in the western Uganda.

Other successes included: Functional youth friendly corners in four government facilities, 1,750 New users of Family planning registered during FP outreaches, 15,000 People reached with FP accurate information on FP and Climate Justice and 15 active drug-shops staff trained and providing FP products andservices to the last mile communities and linked to financial institutions.


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