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Forestry makes a crucial contribution to the ecology and energy needs of Uganda. Uganda’s forest resources are an essential foundation for the country’s current and future livelihood and growth. The overwhelming majority of Uganda’s household energy requirement is generated by…

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Clean Energy

The energy sector plays a central role in Uganda’s economy. It is the engine for economic growth and development, and a vital input into all the productive and social sectors of the economy. The major sources of energy in Uganda…

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Climate Change

Uganda has a typically tropical climate with little variation in temperature throughout the year. Distinctive wet and dry season’s characteristic the annual climate for most of the country, except in the semi-arid north east.6 However, the country is vulnerable to…

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Agriculture is a major contributor to Uganda’s economy. It accounts for approximately 75 percent of the total labor force, 25 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 50 percent of total exports. Women provide over half of agricultural labor, focusing…

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Education and Sports Department

Under the Education Sector Western Uganda FBO Network supports education promotion dialogues in the community, Campaign against early marriages and school dropout, Annual Education needs and performance assessments/Survey, Preparation and submission of quarterly reports to all relevant departments and headquarters,…

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Health Department

Western Uganda FBO Network under the Health Sector supports the following. Lobby and advocacy for increased investment and resources, governance and accountability in health especially Reproductive health services, COVID-19 response and recovery, HIV/AIDs and TB as well as Child illness…

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Culture and Religious Diversity

Western Uganda FBO Network accepts that globalization has brought us the knowledge about various cultural and religious experiences and we have established in our country today a number of religious faiths providing, through the religious sciences, a reflection with a…

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