Uganda has a typically tropical climate with little variation in temperature throughout the year. Distinctive wet and dry season’s characteristic the annual climate for most of the country, except in the semi-arid north east.6 However, the country is vulnerable to climate change, a phenomenon that is growing in importance globally. There is scientific consensus that accelerated global climatic change is attributable to human activities. Impacts resulting from climate change include alteration of weather patterns and increased frequency of extreme weather, alteration of rainfall leading to increased risk of droughts and floods, and disturbing effects on the stability of ecosystems leading to increased likelihood of species migration and species extinctions, as well as negative impacts on food security. Climate change in Uganda threatens to frustrate poverty eradication programs and the achievement of the SDGs. Climate change may undo decades of development efforts through destruction of infrastructure, property and lives. Climate change in Uganda will continue to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, landslides and heat waves.
Key actions to being taken up by Western Uganda FBO Network to mitigate climate Change;
- We will continue to institutionally engage with Ministry of Disaster Preparedness and Management under the Office of the Prime Minister Department of Meteorology.
- At policy and legal levels, we will advocate for implementation of National adaptation program of action (NAPA) as well as customizing of the NAPA into (DAPA) District Adaptation program of Action so that the national actions are addressing the districts specific needs.
- We will continue to engage on the review and track implementation as well as document setbacks, progress, achievements in climate policy as to guide response to climate change.
- We will engage with the Parliamentary Forum on Climate Change, strengthen its capacity, and create awareness amongst legislators about climate change in Uganda.
- Support the formation of District counselors Forum on climate change so that they are able to advance climate change issues at district / sub national level and guide corrective actions that will be implemented both for adaptation to and mitigation against the effects of climate change.
- Western Uganda FBO Network requires greater funding to role out the national interfaith climate change advocacy forum and ensures that the local governments and central mainstream climate change NAPA / DAPA into Key economic sectors such as agriculture, health among others.
- Climate change awareness through sports and mobile information outreaches.