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Faith Family Planning Advocacy Project

Status: Completed (2017 – 2020)

Funded by: PAI

With support from Population fund International (PAI) we have been implementing advocacy and accountability family planning intervention titled Faith + Family Planning Advocacy project which aims at increasing investment in health especially family planning and ensuring policies are supportive to family planning. Since 2016 to date, we have maintained our working relationship with our funding partner and district local government of Kyenjojo and Kagadi districts, in summary last year we had two project objectives which included;

1) Kyenjojo district honour her pledge to allocate 10million on FP budget FY 2018/2019, prioritize and integrate FP in district plans, health facilities budgets and sub counties allocate 1% of the local revenue on FP by the end of June 2019.

2) Kagadi district developed and approval DCIP for family planning by the end of September 2018. Western Uganda FBOs Network worked with Kyenjojo district to ensure implementation, allocation and monitor expenditure for FP budget line and also worked with Kagadi district local government which resulted into development of Kagadi DCIP, the first of its kind in Bunyooro sub region after that of Kyenjojo here is the project impact per district.

Kyenjojo District; Created budget line for FP in 2017 (13m was allocated and expended), 2018 (13mi allocated and expended), 2019/2020 159m allocated, Allocated 5% of the health facility budget towards family planning budget line , Allocated 2% of the sub county local revenue towards family planning demand generation, District FP Costed Implementation Plan, Active RH/FP technical working group, District council and parliament committee on health committed to advocate for increased investment in health especially family planning and Midwives trained in FP methods, Kagadi district, Kagadi district allocated 20m towards family planning budget line, Established RH/FP technical working group, developed and launched the DCIP for family planning, Religious leaders in Kagadi district signed commitment to advance family planning through their faith structures, platforms and service centers.

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