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Emanzi Etegekera Eka Nobuhangwa Ha Kyoto ‘‘Hero Family Planning: Environment Camp Fire Project’’

Status: Ongoing (2022 – 2023)

Funded by: 128 Collective, Panaroma Global

Western Uganda FBO Network is implementing and integrated climate change and family planning outreaches in Kyenjojo, Kamwenge and Kyegegwa districts funded by 128 Collective through Panaroma Global. The project is very unique in the way that it’s sustainable and having multiplier effect since we are using community-based engines for awareness to men and boys in support of SRHR activities, its interdisciplinary design and implementation.

On the other hand, is that the Kyoto sessions is used by both community, cultural and faith institutions’ which offers free space venues for dialogues and community ownership and very cost effective since there is no expense for expensive venues, meals and refreshments for the engagements because this approach uses the available resources in the community hence saving for the project further reach.

We are trying by all means to use an approach with gives us opportunity to reach greater audience with accurate information and services using minimal resources (Few Dollars) with much impact on ground, the project is creating awareness on climate change using religious, cultural and community structures as well as religious and cultural lyrics and poems, sports events and brass band owned by the organization to create awareness on climate change and its impact.

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