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Building Community and Health System Resilience during Covid 19 Pandemic through Rwenzori Interfaith and Media Covid 19 SRHR task force

Status: Completed (2020 – 2021)

Funded by: Preston Werner ventures.

As more facilities, equipment, and staff are diverted to support COVID-19 response are at risk of losing access to critical sexual and reproductive health resources. We are already seeing disruptions to supplies of contraception and other essential reproductive and sexual health commodities and increases in gender-based violence.

Without innovative solutions and intensified support to health systems that focus on the front-line health workers, majority of whom are women, we will continue to see a rise in gender-based violence, unintended pregnancies, and maternal deaths, and a decrease in economic opportunities for women and girls. Western Uganda FBOs Network’s targeted response helped vulnerable women, girls, and their communities not only survive this crisis but come through it stronger and more resilient. Western Uganda FBOs network supported various interventions in response to COVID 19 Crisis.

  • Supported the development of the district COVID 19 Response, recovery plan for Kyenjojo District,
  • Advocated for integration of family planning in the District COVID 19 Response plan which has been done.
  • Formed the Rwenzori Interfaith and Media COVID 19 Task force which is advancing game changing communication to breaking myth and misconceptions on COVID 19, Following and tracking resources invested in the fight of COVID 19 as well as promoting information sharing between media and religious leaders, CSOs, Donors and government officials.
  • Printed and disseminated 2000 COVID 19 and Family planning educative messages to the community.
  • Carrying on weekly mobile track drive sensitizing people on COVID 19 Preventive and mitigation measures as well as making women remember to take their contraceptives during the lock down periods.
  • Secured radio airtime on 3 media stations to talk about accountability for COVID 19 and Family planning resources
  • Supported the printing and dissemination of quarterly district health bulletin.

Western Uganda FBOs Network supported the development of Kyenjojo District COVID 19 Preparedness, Response and Recovery Plan which has been launched being the first district in Uganda to Develop a district COVID 19 Strategic plan supported by PWV.Kyenjojo District COVID-19 Prepairedness, Response and Recovery Plan RR Workplan- April 2020 (4) , Here are some of the resources Western Uganda FBOs Network has developed and we have continued to disseminate in print and online on COVID 19 Pandemic including the translated prevention messages.

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