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Health Department

Western Uganda FBO Network under the Health Sector supports the following. Lobby and advocacy for increased investment and resources, governance and accountability in health especially Reproductive health services, COVID-19 response and recovery, HIV/AIDs and TB as well as Child illness and nutrition, Oversight role/ monitoring of government programs, Health promotion and innovation, System strengthening especially in Supply Chain, Awareness and demand Creation, Coordination of health working groups and mobilization, Resource mobilization, Rapid response in emergencies, Refurbishment of health building, Capacity building, Referral and counseling services, Coordination of NGOs and FBOs health facilities, Mobilization of health supplies and kits for FBOs Facilities such as Laboratory supplies, Gas, x-ray machines etc Participate in district, national and sub national health management committees, District health annual review engagements and other advocacy moments, Primary Health Care activities:

a) Preventive and curative services, health education and promotion, hygiene and sanitation, health sub district management,

b) Strengthen cold chain system management by procuring and supplying equipment.

C) Implementation of UMHCP through VHT; integrated community case management (ICCM) of malaria pneumonia and diarrhea), T.B and HIV/AIDS and implement Child Days Plus Districts wide.

D) Support implementation of health policies and strengthen health care management in districts of operation and we plan to establish awomen faith-based health facility to cater for the needs of women in the community.

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