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Education and Sports Department

Under the Education Sector Western Uganda FBO Network supports education promotion dialogues in the community, Campaign against early marriages and school dropout, Annual Education needs and performance assessments/Survey, Preparation and submission of quarterly reports to all relevant departments and headquarters, Construction camp and Resource mobilization for equipping Barahija Secondary school (one of the rural secondary school), School inspection, monitoring and supervision of the curriculum in 388 schools, Tracking resources invested in education sector and advocacy for increased investment in education and sports, Sensitization engagements with teachers, children/ students and parents, Support district/ sub county based monitoring of educational program, Mobilize and sensitizes parents and other stakeholders on educational issues, Organize and participate in district sports activities in promotion of back to school campaign, ending teenage pregnancies, corporal punishments as well as promotion of children’s rights, Support radio talk shows to give accountability of what is being done in Education department, Organize district scouts competition and support activities of the Districts and community scouts associations charitable activities and Dialogue and support for the girls in sports and creativity. To date Western Uganda FBO Network has supported fundraising events for over 15 community schools raising over 150,000USD in grants for construction and rehabilitation of school infrastructures as well as distribution of school science logistics to under resourced school laboratories.

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