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Culture and Religious Diversity

Western Uganda FBO Network accepts that globalization has brought us the knowledge about various cultural and religious experiences and we have established in our country today a number of religious faiths providing, through the religious sciences, a reflection with a view to a new humanism, with the main objective of promoting peace through interfaith dialogue. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) in Article XVIII it is deemed that Every person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; This right includes the freedom to change religion or belief and the freedom to manifest that religion or belief for the purposes of teaching, practice, worship and observance, individually or collectively, in public or in private.

Promote cross cultural and religious dialogues among school going children and around the community, Broader awareness of cultural and religious heritage, Develop the inter-cultural & religious email and  pen pal, Internet cultural friend, Intra-cultural, extra-cultural and inter-cultural and religious dialogues, Advocate for policies to promote cultural and religious diversities, Religious and cultural freedom is one of the fundamental rights of mankind, and pluralism must be built by way of recognizing various races, cultures, and religions, allowing all to be equal, yet acknowledging each with their differences in school and the community and Promotion of cultural innovation and cultural tourism, learning and exchange.

We implemented a CRID (Community Richer in Diversity) with support from Faith to Action Network  and we managed to promote peaceful co-existence in the Rwenzori region of Uganda. Together with young leaders as champions of peace in the community, working through young faith –religious actors.

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