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Welcoming a stranger-Refugees

The Welcoming Strangers Project is an initiative seeks to train foster parents, religious leaders and caseworkers in the principles and practice of intentional nonviolence.  The Welcoming Strangers Project seeks to work with Districts community-based services of the refugee host districts in Uganda to provide training for religious leaders, social workers in refugee host sub counties and communities, equip local councils and staff, and caseworkers in the nonviolent conflict resolution and peace full co-existence. Western Uganda FBO Network will continue conducting dialogues both inter-faith, extra-faith and infra-faith dialogues in support for peaceful co-existence for the refugees and the host communities.

Western Uganda FBO Network will continue with resource mobilization efforts to support the work of well-coming a stranger in both fields of education, health, sports, religious and culture dialogues and enhancement of referral mechanism for cases of human rights abuses within the settlement and host communities especially scaling up rapid response to SGBV among the minorities in the settlement communities. Lastly WUFBON will strive to innovate, build allies and synergies in response to people in the settlements and ensure their health and well-being are better lived despite their status.

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