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Economic security for young women and Men

Western Uganda FBO Network we strive to “Transforming Youth’s and women – Using the Approach to Economic Security for Young Women and Men. Transforming Our Uganda: Western Uganda FBO Network has reasserted today’s challenge to absorb the massive cohort of young people – now into the workforce. Not only do we see the largest youth generation in human history, but it also represents roughly 40% of the world’s unemployed and requires the creation of jobs in the next 15 years.

Before the economic and financial crisis, many young people were already locked out of the benefits of globalization, experiencing underemployment in casual labor in the informal sector or hazardous and abusive work. Nowadays, the youth employment crisis has reached intolerable dimensions evidenced by higher unemployment among young people (three time higher than adult unemployment), lower quality jobs (one in four young people cannot find work for more than US$ 1.25 per day) slow transition from school to work, rising of youth and detachment from the labor markets.

Western Uganda FBO Network’s commitment to communities’ ability to further their own potential and development is carried in its2022-2026 Economic Security Strategy, which calls for children and youth to claim and realize their economic rights and be prepared to enter the workforce with due consideration to their evolving capacities; for households to take responsibility in providing for their development; and for governments to undertake to create the condition favorable to social and economic well-being.

Western Uganda FBO Network upcoming 2022 -2026 Youth Employment Solutions Program Strategy will reaffirm this commitment while setting the overall global direction for the Western Uganda FBO Network youth empowerment programming work supporting vulnerable young men’s and women’s access to quality jobs in the post-2026 era, in accordance with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8 to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all,” “including for young people and persons with disabilities” and for “youth not in employment, education or training” (NEET). Specific actions and activities to be implemented within each district of operation should be determined by situational analysis and take into account the national and local environments as well as the socioeconomic circumstances and issues faced by households and marginalized populations

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