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Agriculture is a major contributor to Uganda’s economy. It accounts for approximately 75 percent of the total labor force, 25 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 50 percent of total exports. Women provide over half of agricultural labor, focusing mainly on food rather than cash crop production. Approximately 70 percent of agricultural production is for subsistence purposes. Uganda’s agriculture faces several challenges, which impede the sector from realizing its full potential contribution to the national economy. Loss in soil productivity results in income loss to farmers in the range of Uganda USD 39 to 56 per hectare per year.

Growing population pressure on natural resources and traditional farming methods exert tremendous pressure on agricultural productivity through their effects on deforestation, wetland degradation, soil erosion, and water and land pollution.  In addition, failure to priorities the agricultural sector in national and local planning and resource allocation causes the decline in agricultural productivity. Interventions under this: Western Uganda FBO Network is advocating for; a) Prioritization of agriculture in national planning, decision making processes and budget allocations. B) Greater and more modern investment in the agricultural sector. C) Improved access to markets, especially external markets, for food and cash crops and the livestock sectors. D) Against negative impacts of climate change on agricultural productivity.


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